Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Interent: It's not just for porn anymore

The Internet can be just amazing. The other day, I was in dire need of a cello part for the Mozart G minor viola quintet (that's one with two violins, two violas, and a cello). The DePauw library didn't have it, the libraries in Indianapolis (including Butler University) didn't have it, and the violist who organized the performance I'm participating in Monday night couldn't find his copy. I posted a message in the Cello Chat forum at the Internet Cello Society, and within a couple of hours two kind people had emailed me PDF files of the part. And one directed me to a web site that has PDF files of public-domain copies of all the Mozart string chamber music.

And like many gay men and lesbians, I was very interested to not just learn about the New Jersey Supreme Court on same-sex unions. Within minutes of the decision being announced, I was able to download the entire decision (including all the concurring and dissenting opinions) from the court's website. "The Internet is for porn," goes the hilarious song from Avenue Q. It's also very good for democracy.

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